50+ Social Club of St. Matthew the Evangelist Church
9915 Hollister Drive
Houston, TX 77040-1702
SECTION 1. The purpose of the club is to proclaim Jesus as Lord by bringing older adults together to promote their well-being and to provide appropriate activities and fellowship that demonstrate Christian living.
SECTION 2. This organization is committed to the fulfillment of the six goals of: Awareness, Service, Religious Experience, Continuing Education, Social/Recreational and Advocacy.
SECTION 1. Membership is open to persons 50 years of age and older and are members of St. Matthew Church or other parishes and their friends who may be non-Catholics.
SECTION 2. Membership dues are ten dollars ($10.) per calendar year, payable in January.
SECTION 3. Incapacitated members of long standing (2+ years) will remain on inactive membership list.
SECTION 4. Deceased member names will be maintained on a memorial page attached to the membership list.
SECTION 1. Officers consist of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
SECTION 2. To be eligible as an officer, members must be in good standing and be willing to serve in the position to which they are nominated. And, have been a member for one year prior.
SECTION 3. The President will appoint a Nominating Committee in the month of September, which will submit a slate of officers in the month of October.
SECTION 4. Elections are held in the month of November. Officers are elected for a term of one year, beginning in January and may not serve in the same position for more than three consecutive terms. They may be re-elected to the same position after an interval of one term.
SECTION 5. If a vacancy occurs in any office, that office will be filled by a special election.
SECTION 6. If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President will assume the office of President.
SECTION 1. President presides at all meetings, and plans, in cooperation with the officers, agendas for all meetings.
SECTION 2. Vice President assists the President and acts in his/her absence.
SECTION 3. Secretary keeps a record of all meetings, listing date, place, purpose and all motions made, including a brief content of all reports; also handles correspondence as necessary.
SECTION 4. Treasurer keeps simple set of books, collects dues, other monies, pays bills and makes disbursements as requested by an approved motion at a regular meeting.
SECTION 1. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month, unless changed to another Sunday due to conflict.
SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called provided the membership is notified of the date, time, place and purpose.
SECTION 3. The presence of 15 members will constitute the quorum necessary to conduct club business.
SECTION 1. The Executive Committee consists of the Officers, Committee Chairpersons and the immediate President ex-officio for a term of one year.
SECTION 2. The President convenes and chairs all meetings of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 3. This committee will be responsible for the affairs of the club and may act in emergency situations. The membership will be informed of such actions at the next meeting for sanction and approval.
SECTION 1. The following are the Standing Committees: Sunshine (sick concerns), Phone, Publicity, Refreshments, Supplies Purchaser, Historian and Trips/Functions.
SECTION 2. The President appoints the chairpersons for one year.
SECTION 3. The chairperson convenes and presides at meetings of their committee and reports recommendations and actions at the next regular meeting.
SECTION 4. Ad Hoc committees may be established by the President for specific purposes.
SECTION 1. Trips and Functions Committee.
a) The contact person (Chairperson) of a trip or function will sign up and collect the cost of the trip from those wishing to attend.
b) Sign up constitutes responsibility for payment of the cost, determined by the coordinator, and payable at least 30-days prior to event in order to obtain discounts/transportation numbers.
c) After sign up there will be no reimbursement for those failing to attend, unless there have been expenses incurred by the trip coordinator on behalf of that individual. If expenses were incurredhowever, a member may nominate a qualified member to take their place.
d) The amount collected should cover the cost, excluding subsidized events.
e) The Chairperson is not responsible for any out-of-pocket expense.
f) Special Guests costs (e.g. Priests or Deacons), including the driver, will be paid by the club, with its approval.
g) Any excess monies collected will be given to the Treasurer.
h) A Trip Report must be filed with the Treasurer after each event.
SECTION 2. Death of a Member.
a) A deceased member will be perpetually enrolled in the "Catholic Clerical Students' Fund" of the Diocese of Galveston-Houston, with daily remembrance in Masses at St. Mary's Seminary.
b) If it is the desire of the deceased member’s family, a reception on the parish premises will be conducted by the parish Funeral Aid Ministry assisted by club members following the service.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised will govern the club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws and any special rules of order the club may adopt.
Any proposed amendment to these by-laws may be submitted at any regular meeting of the club. Such proposed amendment, after due notice to the members, may be voted on at the next meeting and will become part of the by-laws if approved by a two-third majority of the voting members present at said meeting. The by-laws will be reviewed and revised annually as needed.
The original by-laws were approved and adopted on October 12, 1989.
Each amendment after this date will be typed and attached to these revised bylaws, stating the date of membership approval.
This revision was approved and adopted on SEPTEMBER 9,2007.