Participation in worship services as a Lay Minister can be very rewarding. Following are some areas in which parishioners can be involved.
Altar Servers - Those who have received First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, whether Youth (3rd grade and up) or Adults, are trained and scheduled to assist during liturgical celebrations.
Art & Environment - This team creates a beautiful environment to enhance our liturgies and the community's prayer life.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Assist in distributing Holy Communion during liturgical celebrations and in bringing Communion to the home bound.
Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers & Greeters) - Welcome and assist as we gather for Mass, help with collections and presentations of our gifts, and in general work to make our liturgies run smoothly.
Ministers of the Word (Lectors) - Proclaim sacred scripture at all our liturgies.
Musicians, Singers & Cantors - Under the direction of our Music Director, these talented folks share their musical talents, encouraging our community to praise God through song.
Sacristans - Prepare liturgical items and assist with the coordination of all liturgies.